Saturday, December 16, 2006


Screams the goat. They are hilarious, particularly when fleeing from owners by jumping my courtyard wall. MWEEEH! Sanctuary! MWEEEH! They scream. Sorry guys, I think you are delicious in my lunch just as much as my neighbors do!
Frank, my cat, has begun to take commands in Sonrai.
I walked to the edge of town today on the way to work. I met a Sonrai man along the way working on his very colorful wall (various broken bottles and shards of ceramics were pressed into the mud). We chatted for a bit about Peace Corps and our faiths, but without labels. So when he was saying how God is the model of patience because if he were not patient he would just entertain himself and recreate the world everyday, I replied "He has the power." No matter what, I felt like we were speaking about the same God. It was also a message I needed to hear right then, feeling lonely and homesick. I just have to be patient and see where this service takes me.
I spoke with a woman who works in the Circle-level administration. (National-Regional-Circle-Commune/Mayor-Chief) She is excited to have me around, and has a very nice family. I was their during laundry time, so naked children were running about.
One Gao volunteer is having her whole family come soon so they are bringing us Christmas! Cheers!

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All tales, opinions, and attitudes are those Joanna has experienced and subsequently composed. This Blog does not reflect the ideas or policies of the U.S. Peace Corps, its employees and volunteers, at large.